Lung Institute DOES NOT offer Zephyr Valve Procedure. The below content is for educational purposes only.
Recently, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a new treatment for emphysema patients called the Zephyr Valve procedure.
We have been following the development and certification of this treatment and want to help you understand what this device is, who it’s intended to treat, and some pros and cons of this procedure.
What Is the Zephyr Valve Procedure?
The Zephyr Valve is a device that’s designed to be implanted in the lungs of patients with severe emphysema.
Through a minimally invasive procedure, the valves are placed in airways leading to areas of the lungs that are overinflated. They’re designed to allow air to flow out of this section of the lung, but not to flow in.
The one-way airflow of the Zephyr Valves is intended to deflate parts of the lung where airflow is an issue. By restricting airflow to these areas, the intention is to give healthier areas of the lung more room to expand and reduce stress on the diaphragm.
Who Is the Zephyr Valve Procedure Designed to Help?
The Zephyr valve procedure isn’t designed to help all emphysema patients. It’s reserved for patients with a forced expiratory volume of less than 15%.
Also, you must have hyperinflation of the lungs to be considered for this procedure. Hyperinflation occurs when air is trapped in the lungs and causes them to over inflate, which is common for patients with emphysema.
Zephyr Valve Procedure Pros
The Zephyr Valve procedure is designed to offer several benefits. It’s intended to deflate an area of the lung with airflow issues, which can help improve the function of the rest of the lung. Also, this procedure is designed to help improve your ability to exercise, and it may lead to a significant improvement in your quality of life.
Zephyr Valve Procedure Cons
As with any surgery, this procedure also comes with some risks. One risk associated with Zephyr Valve procedures is that they can cause a temporary worsening of emphysema symptoms after surgery.
Some patients may also develop pneumonia or increased mucus production and wheezing after the procedure. Most seriously of all, patients who have Zephyr Valve surgery are at higher risk of developing an air leak in the lung that causes it to collapse within 3 days of having the procedure
Lung Institute DOES NOT offer Zephyr Valve Procedure. The above content is for educational purposes only.
Christine Kingsley, APRN is the Health and Wellness Director at the Lung Institute where she focuses on providing helpful online resources for people looking for information on various lung diseases, breathing exercises, and healthy lifestyle choices. She advocates for holistic care that involves working with your doctor to explore all options including traditional and alternative care while focusing on diet and exercise as proactive measures.