How Long Does It Take Lungs To Heal From Smoking

How Long Does It Take Lungs To Heal From Smoking

There’s a common perception among many smokers that the lungs will not heal at all once they stop smoking. While your lungs will never be as healthy as they were before you started smoking, healing may take place in some respiratory tissue long-term, and you may also see significant improvements in lung function once you … Read more

Lung Health After Smoking Cessation

Lung Health After Smoking Cessation

Millions of people quit smoking every year, and lung health after smoking cessation has become a prominent theme among healthcare professionals. About 47 percent of smokers attempt to quit annually.  This is not surprising given that the number one cause of preventable death in the worldwide is smoking. Over 400,000 people die every year from smoking, and an additional … Read more

How To Quit Smoking

How To Quit Smoking

Ashley just got home from a stressful day at work. After dealing with late reports and putting out sudden fires, she wants nothing more than to unwind from the craziness of the day. She walks to her apartment window and opens it. Lighting up a cigarette, she lets the putrefying smoke billow into the winds … Read more

COPD History: A Timeline Of Smoking And Why It’s Not Your Fault…

Timeline Of Smoking And COPD History

Smokers tend to get blamed for their habits. We believe there’s more to the story of COPD history. In a nation where smoking rates continue to decline every year, it’s no surprise that the popularity of smoking has declined with it. As laws prohibiting smoking in public areas lead to ostracizing the behavior further from … Read more

Best Tips for Quitting Smoking

Best Tips for Quitting Smoking

Smoking is the leading cause of lung disease. Quitting smoking is one of the best things that you can do for your lung health. Just twenty minutes after your last cigarette, your body starts to return back to normal.  But if it were easy to quit, everyone would do it, no problem. Quitting smoking is hard, … Read more

5 Benefits Of Quitting Smoking And Kicking The Habit

Benefits Of Quitting Smoking And Kicking The Habit

Quitting smoking is hard, but trust us, it’s worth it. There are some of you out there with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that may be reading this and nodding your head. Perhaps, you’ve successfully quit smoking after a diagnosis. Perhaps, a loved one or family member finally got through to you on the importance … Read more

Weight Loss After Quitting Smoking

Weight Loss After Quitting Smoking

Many people believe that smoking will help you lose weight, and the fear of gaining weight after smoking cessation leads many people to worry about quitting. However, a new study conducted by the Endocrine Society reveals that this is not completely true.  Their findings report that long-term weight loss after quitting smoking is not just possible, it is probable … Read more